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Springfield WORKS Continues To Break Down Barriers
Anne Kandilis likes to say Springfield WORKS serves as “a platform for change, innovation, and collaboration.” Continue reading here

Managing the “Cliff Effect” (Viewpoint)
I constantly feared that increasing my wages would result in losing my benefits that were essential to caring for my family, but I wanted to make sure I was doing everything I could to care for my son and be a role model for him. Fortunately, during this time, I met my two mentors… “Managing…

A hand up, not a handout, to cross the benefits cliff
Losing public assistance benefits when their income goes up incentivizes some workers to stay in low-paying jobs. It discourages others who are willing to work from joining the workforce. New strategies aim to identify and address this benefits cliff that hinders entry to and advancement in the workplace, though work to address the issue on…